Sunday, October 10, 2004

Ace of Spades HQ: Weapons Inspector Charles Duelfer: Now 35 Sarin and Mustard-Gas Shells Found in Iraq... and Counting

Ace of Spades HQ: Weapons Inspector Charles Duelfer: Now 35 Sarin and Mustard-Gas Shells Found in Iraq... and Counting: "Ace of Spades HQ
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July 21, 2004
Weapons Inspector Charles Duelfer: Now 35 Sarin and Mustard-Gas Shells Found in Iraq... and Counting
He made this announcement on Special Report With Brit Hume tonight. He says that they're constantly finding new caches of weapons, and they expect (or at least fear) that there are many more such weapons to be found in Iraq.
You will not be shocked to learn that Google and Yahoo searches produce no recent print-medium hits on keywords associated with this.
I didn't find an article on it even on FoxNews. Which sort of doesn't surprise me. There's a reason the Fox higher-ups have to issue specific directives to their employees regarding how to cover news in a fashion which isn't full of knee-jerk partisan liberal bias-- because the dirty little secret is that FoxNews, like most other media organizations, is staffed almost entirely by liberals.
If you don't specifically tell them 'Give the discovery of 35 Sarin and/or Mustard-Gas shells prominent reporting,' they won't do so.
The best I can do is link this old New York Sun article about his previous announcement of 10-12 such shells.
If you do find an article about this, let me know. My Googling/Yahooing skills are not, as the kids say, of the 'mad' variety.
Question of the Day: What number constitutes a 'stockpile'? One would think that any time you're above 20 or 30, you're in at least small-stockpile territory.
I want the liberals to give us a number, now. Because, a month from now, when we've discovered 60-100, I don't want to hear that a 'stockpile' has "
