Saturday, July 04, 2009

El Presidentes Obama And Chavez Crusading For Godlessness And Countrylessness - Happy 4th Anyway!

Celebrate Dependence Day If You Are A Lib. Others may celebrate what Independence we have left.

When I was medevaced out of Vietnam in 1970 my life ended and it ended for some time. Many of us felt worthless - for some time. But, eventually we learned "But By The Grace Of God Go I." There are many vets from all wars, as well as patriotic non-veterans, wondering why we did it and what is the use when the sneering, non-patriot types (I'll be kind, today, July 4th, and just call them libs)seem to have taken control of our government, overthrown the Constitution, destroyed the Free Market, and want to regulate every facet of our lives.

I believe, like Sarah Palin, and by the grace of God, we can overcome those insidious powers-that-be in politics,Hollywood, entertainment, the media, academia, and even in the lib churches, who are way below their paygrade and do not know what they are doing to this once great country. [I know Rush says that they do know what they are doing, but their cult of personality has thoroughly blinded them.]

I applaud Sarah Palin for becoming free of her public service, and joining the many strong and growing movements, including our Tea Parties and Freeper action groups which are not giving up, and never will.
