Wednesday, November 30, 2005

When The Nazi Hunters Become Nazis

Demjanjuk in court to fight extradition to Ukraine
Long story, short: John Demjanjuk is an 85 year old Russian immigrant who originally served as a Russian soldier, but was taken prisoner by the Germans in WW II. As a Russian prisoner of war he may have been assigned to Jewish death camps [his entire history is conjecture] Wilkipedia

He emigrated to the U.S. in 1951 and spent the most of his American life working at a Ford plant and raising a family. In the late seventies Nazi Hunter Simon
Wiesenthal with fellow U.S. Justice Department Nazi Hunters charged Demjanjuk with crimes against humanity for being the infamous "Ivan The Terrible," death camp Jew-killer. He was deported to Israel, and sentenced to hanging, but after languishing in prison for five years awaiting the death penalty, the Israeli Supreme Court judged that there was not enough evidence.

Wiesenthal's Nazi Hunters and U.S. Department of Justice Nazi Hunters have been pounding on this man ever since. Relentless. Unmerciful.

Demjanjuk has been under the Nazi hunter gun for various reasons, including the fact that he was not completely honest on his immigration application to the U.S.

Well, excuse me, why are an estimated 10 million illegal immigrants allowed to live and work in the U.S. today, but John Demjanjuk, who has been contributing to American Society for over thirty years be, may be stripped of his citizenship and deported because he cannot give a credible account to the nazi hunters in the Justice Department?

It has been so long since we have been involved in a full scale world war in the United States that, perhaps, we have no idea how much pandemonium and displacement is experienced in a world war. So, Demhanjuk cannot account for where he was at any particular time during WW II - just like millions of other victims of the war.

Maybe its time for Wiesenthal's and the Justice Department's Nazi hunters to see if there are any Jewish Capos still living in the United States. The Caposwere Jews who collaborated with Nazis in the WW II death camps.
