Air Force Attack Plane Pilot Says "Load Of Manure" That Jets Could Not Reach Benghazi
Even in Vietnam, we Marines could depend upon close air support which was miraculously accurate - shooting down individual buildings, people and vehicles from the skies. I cannot remember one time in Vietnam when my squadron would not respond to a call for help from fellow Marines and others, who were in a "hot zone," needing immediate firepower from the skies. Tip Of The Hat to those Marine, Air Force, Army, and Navy jet and helicopter pilots. jc
From Various Sources. . .
Lt Colonel Dan Hampton
May 15 2013
U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Dan Hampton flew more than 150 combat missions during his twenty years as a fighter pilot. He won multiple decorations for his service in the Iraq War, Kosovo conflict, first Gulf War, and elsewhere.
Sigonella, Sicily Naval Base Was Well Within Reach Of Benghazi
"The Obama national security team, including CIA, DNI, State Department and the Pentagon, watched and listened to the assault but did nothing to answer repeated calls for assistance. It has been reported that President Obama met with Vice President Joseph R. Biden and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in the Oval Office, presumably to see what support could be provided. After all, we had very credible military resources within striking distance. At our military base in Sigonella, Sicily, which is slightly over 400 miles from Benghazi, we had a fully equipped Special Forces unit with both transport and jet strike aircraft prepositioned. Certainly this was a force much more capable than the 22-man force from our embassy in Tripoli.
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[VIDEO]: Lt. Col. Dan Hampton Calls Out Panetta And Dempsey: “That Is A Load Of Manure!”