Something Worse Than Saying "Nigger"
To Kill A Mockingbird. To Kill A Blackhawk.
The Hudson Ohio ten and eleven year old pee wee football fans were cheering their team the "Blackhawks" on this cool autumn day in northeastern Ohio. Hudson is preppy, prosperous, and worse yet, Republican. These young fans would soon become national news, as the Associated Press, NBC, and other media outlets would launch them into the adult world of pseudo racism.
These kids were dressed in what looked like black-faced mockeries of their opponents - African American teams from Shaker Heights, Cleveland. The kids even shouted the "n" word it was later reported. Other anecdotal information started to surface, once the story gained momentum, that Hudson fans routinely disparaged black footballers whenever they played.
The stories of "Pee Wee Football Games Marred By Racism" circulated from Florida to Tennessee to Los Angeles where it was especially appreciated - during this election season. Innocent little black ballplayers from the offended teams were asked, "What do you think of these racist kids in Hudson painting their faces black and wearing Afro wigs"?
What was not mentioned in these Drive By Media stories was that the kids had been dressing this way for many games, and that they were merely emulating their team name - The Blackhawks. What was also not mentioned was that they were wearing orange beaks to more accurately represent their team emblem. Welcome to the world of reverse-racism, children, and be prepared to be called racist for your insensitivity - probably for the rest of your lives.
So, it was not the accusers who were insensitive to the Blackhawks for quite innocently dressing as impromptu mascots for their team. It was not the race-baiters who lied, exaggerated, distorted and avoided any research that might, just might, disprove their premature damning condemnation of these preteen "racists." No, it was just too juicy for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland and national TV after finding such abominations in the Republican enclave of Hudson, Ohio. "Let's go for it." "We got 'em, now" the race-baiters thought. There must be a Pulitzer somewhere for this.
The Cleveland black leaders and community swallowed the whole lie, and became up in arms over the falsehood. Hudson city leaders, parents, coaches, kids over apologized, Trent Lott style, not even sure why they were apologizing.
Hudson peewee football includes such team names as (possibly) Whitehawks, Blackhawks, Silverhawks, Redhawks etc. in their league. Sorry in advance , American Indians, if the Redhawk mascots dress like red hawks. I also hope white people will not be offended if the Whitehawk fans wear white face.
The racism against the young white pee wee fans who have been dragged through this mire has not been discussed. These young cheer leaders have been falsely accused of doing something that is not wrong. They should be given apologies for being castigated over nothing more than people's devilish desire to find racism - where it does not exist. They are professional at digging up dirt and flinging it at anyone - including ten year old white kids who do not deserve it. They are the racists. They are the ones who incite the black populace, most conveniently before elections, to become angrier than they already are. Why is there so much hypertension and other health problems among blacks? It could be due to the constant barrage of hate that is hurled from black leaders toward other elements ( like, "The Man") of society. Keeping African Americans unhappy, uneducated, poor, and infuriated (as they are in Cleveland) is the key to keeping white and black liberals in power - so that they may continue to keep minorities unhappy. . . That is what is known as soft bigotry. The liberals most powerful tool.
Yes the "n word" is a nasty word - except when brothers call other brothers the "n" word. How did this word even become so holy that it may not even be pronounced like the Tetragrammaton or that not-to-be-spoken Masonic name which begins with an "M"?
The joke is that minorities think they are privileged and honored because they only can say the "n" word. There is no honor is speaking the word, and it should not be used as a hammer, or neither should it be feared. BTW the "n" word is a variation of the word "black." It is like calling a white person - dare I say it - "whitey." I know, connotations schmonnotations. [According to most reports, the Hudson kids did not use the "n" word, ever]
Are not non-black people allowed to have sensitivities? Cannot white people be insulted, offended, and lied about - by blacks as proven by the Hudson pee wee story? What happened to the very young Hudson football fans is worse than being called nigger.
To further prove that race-baiting is good for business, The Cleveland Plain Dealer's editorial cartoonist depicted the Blackhawk fans dressed in Ku Klux Klan robes and pointed sheet-hats as they shouted "n-i-g [ger]." Not wanting to be racially insensitive, the cartoonist, Darcy, only spelled out half the "n" word. I will hope to paste the racist cartoon, later.
I will never forget how one writer at the Akron Beacon Journal, before it was bought by a Canadian company, Carl Chancellor, screamed bloody murder because another writer used the word "niggardly" in a column.