Thursday, June 30, 2011

Phobic Homos - What Gays Fear

Just as Defense Secretary Gates has done a fair job, with exceptions, and has been awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Obama, he may be most remembered for approving the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, yet strangely, he has not certified the controversial reversal of policy, leaving that chore to his replacement, Leon Panetta, who is pro abort, so most probably he will also kneel at the feet of the gay lobby.

We all to often hear about the nonexistent "Homophobia" which has had various definitions from the fear becoming gay to the fear of gays taking over, neither of which has any application in reality. The Psychobabble Industry has convinced many a hetero, that any criticism of what was formerly called sodomy, indicates that the critic has latent homosexual tendencies, whether it be objections to gayness on moral, civil, or religious grounds.

There is a concern among many religious as well as non religious folks, that homosexuals are demanding a more dominating voice in politics, academia, church pulpits, government,media, and public schools. There are those of us who are not fans of Gay Marriage, Lady Gaga, the TV Show Glee, Ellen DeGeneres, and have nothing to be ashamed of for being so. For this we are defined as being homophobic, but really it is the Phobic Homos suffering from Phobic Homeosis who have attempted to shame us - since they have gone beyond shame in their behavior.

Phobic Homos have a deep fear of not being accepted by the general public. They desire the impossible: Divine sanctification for something that according to every major religion is condemned, despite the historically recent toleration by mainline protestant churches and reform synagogues.

Phobic Homeosis recently invaded the psyches of President Obama's military sovereigns - the Joint Chiefs of Staff. My alma mater, the Marine Corps did the righteous thing in shunning the proposal to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, but the now retiring Secretary of Defense, who spearheaded the repeal, seems to be rethinking his demand to stock young gays into the larger hetero male pool within the United States armed forces. The reason? According to this Town Hall story by Frank Gaffney, that infamous Inspector General report, which supposedly found wide approval among active members in the military for the addition of outed gays into their domain, was skewed and then leaked to the press.

Truth be told, many gays who have enlisted in various branches of the military, are not all that thrilled to serve on active duty, after they have they have proven that they can beat the system by invading a heretofore all hetero domain. Its a power trip much like ladies who demand to play the Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta. In fact, there are reports of gays getting out of military contracts, now, before DODT is certified.

The IG's report on the effect of gays in the military was intentionally misinterpreted by Obama's pro-gay advisers so that repeal of DADT legislation could be rushed through the legislature without extensive hearings in the Senate or House. The misinterpreted report was published, supporting such "facts" that 70% of active duty members would be comfortable with gays in close confines - when the opposite attitude was closer to the truth. Also not reported was the discovery that over 25% of men and women on active duty would not reenlist if DADT was repealed, thus opening the floodgates for outed gays to bed, bathe, and beyond with testosterone filled macho men who, obviously, despite all the reeducation in the world, will not be accepting of abnormal (at least for the military) behavior. Here is my own testimony and experience with gays in the military (USMC) in Vietnam.

Perhaps, Defense Secretary Gates, as with ALL the Marine Generals, has reconsidered caving in to the Phobic Homo lobby as supported by the Obama administration. I pray the rest of society will not be afraid of being falsely labeled Homophobic - for doing the right thing.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Enviromentalist Induced Fires Raging Again In U.S. Southwest

My brother out in California narrowly escaped from fires that were burning up hundreds of acres and houses north of Los Angeles a few years ago. He told me that environmental policies had prohibited the clearing of brush around his, as well as, his neighbors' houses, which, of course, helped escort out of control, raging fires up to his very doorstep. Thank God, his house was spared. Not so, other homeowners on the block.

Weeks after the fires, mudslides charged into the same area and floated several homes right off their foundations, because there was no brush to stop the mud flow. That was during the Bush administration. Under the Obama administration, environmentalists have attained even more of a czaric control over all things environmental. Forest Services, Departments of Natural Services, state EPAs and a myriad of public and private entities who, in effect, worship nature's superiority to man, have pledged to hinder the utilization of natural resources to the point of making human life independent of coal, gas, tree wood, nuclear energy, and oil.

Read here how Marxist Russian Lysenko was able to bring Soviet Communism to its knees through pseudo science.

Arizona, at this time, has suffered through a couple of wildfires claiming over 500,000 acres, 62 homes, and thousands of horses and cattle, and causing the evacuation of over 10,000 people. Many Arizonians are profaning "Bovine Scat" at EPA directed lawsuits, which have sought federal court help that prohibits logging, brush clearing, and cattle grazing on lands that have been intentionally converted into matchsticks.

The evil geniuses at the EPA may also be held responsible for the tens of thousands of acres now on fire, threatening to engulf the Los Alamos nuclear facility in New Mexico. The U.S. Forest Service, already inhabiting its share of extreme tree huggers, has become even more protective of forests by prohibiting tree thinning, thus protecting millions of acres of potential fire-starting kindling. Naturalists prefer "natural" burns to take down fire-starting forests, as opposed to manmade fires, which are deemed contrary to "natural forces" by naturalists (earth worshippers). They clearly do not want man involved in any sort of maintenance.

At one time, "controlled burns" were thought to be better than letting loggers take down trees for consumption, which would only benefit humans. This would cause Mother Earth Gaea to be sad, because, again, man would be interfering by striking a match to clear out trees that could potentially burn up people. The natural way is to wait for lightning or some other natural force to set the wood aflame.

Here is just one example of many:Measure to ease logging rules worries spotted-owl advocates, in New Mexico.

Someone once said that the difference between a Sierra Club member and a non member is that the Sierra Clubber has his cabin in the woods, but he doesn't want you to have yours.
