Sandra Bullock And Miley Cyrus Last Of The All American Girls Next Door
This Is What America Is Exporting To The World
Howard Stern and Bill Clinton also helped to dirtify the pop culture of women, but not without the help of feminists, themselves.
Naomi Wolf, leading womananity spokesperson for decades, originated her career by criticizing women for wearing makeup and the poor example they set by encouraging young girls to look good - thus attracting men to their non-mental attributes. Years later, Mizz Wolf reprogrammed her spiel and decided that, indeed, women and girls could actually flaunt their stuff (act and dress like prostitutes) and thereby be empowered. Yes, the women who bragged on their braless, unshaven armpits and legs now lectured that lookin' like a ho was actually an expression of female empowerment (attracted more dude money).
Miley To David Letterman "I'm Not Trying To Be Slutty"
Long before Miley Cyrus even dreamed of doing lap dances or slithering up and down a stripper pole, Christian Aguilerra performed the super raunchy "Dirty" video so it would be known among teens everywhere that she was empowered to be dirty. Britney Spears had to prove that she was also as dirty and genuinely Not That Innocent by including herself in a threeway lesbo kiss with Madonna (the original Like A Virgin NOT! dirty woman) at the 2003 MTV Music Awards.
OK, I get it . . . she's some sort of Vampiress, but I think (don't know personally) that pedophiles (Pedos in Britain) see something else. What are the parents thinking when they expose their Toddlers In Tiaras?
I will spare you all the "Miley Kissing Girls" pics taking over the Interweb, but I think we have the picture - or video: Calling Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild. You are not going to run out of young bimbos anytime soon for your $9.95 Girls Gone Wild "specials."
Most astonishing of all, is that once a girl/woman is caught in the act of skanking it up, her first response is, " I'm not a ho. I am basically very modest."
Take the case of model Lisa Cohen who was unfortunately disfigured by a lowlife NY doorman/bouncer a couple of years ago and sued Google to find out who caller her "a skank" on the internet. She won the case while protesting she was definitely "not a skank." Also unfortunately, pictures of Ms Cohen surfaced on the net depicting her involved in, at least skunky (for legal reasons I will not use the skank word)behavior.
So, you have all these "basically nice, modest, relgious, pure-as-the-driven-snow" ladies, who look and act like hos, demanding reverence and respect. And, sadly, they will get it.